Our solutions are based on an Open Urban Platform
for numerous innovative services.
Based on [ui!] UrbanPulse, sensor and other real-time data from different data sources are collected and processed,
analysed and visualised as the "pulse of the city" in all relevant areas as data-based value-added services.

With [ui!] UrbanPulse, a real-time sensor data platform has been developed that follows the vision of an Open Urban Platform as expressed by the European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities (EIP) and specified in DIN SPEC 91357.
[ui!] UrbanPulse is based on a highly scalable architecture for data processing and analysis, with a special connector framework for easy integration of sensors and other urban management systems.
On the basis of open interfaces, the platform offers integrated access to urban data from different urban areas.
Municipal administrations, companies and citizens can use the data collected and refined with [ui!] UrbanPulse to optimize their individual decisions and improve their digitized services and processes. Municipal administrations, companies and citizens can use the data collected and refined with [ui!] UrbanPulse to optimize their individual decisions and improve their digitized services and processes.
Visulalization of information is the basis for added value of a city.
A digital city is a very complex issue and affects several areas at once. Here the possibility to visualize an overall picture is often missing.
[ui!] supports the possibility of identifying the real potential of a Smart City in an urban overview and communicating it to the citizens.
Various [ui!] COCKPITS with different and individually compiled urban data are available.
Here is an example:
With the [ui!] Festival COCKPIT, which was especially developed for large events, important data such as traffic volume and speed, weather data, parking lot occupancy, visitors, temperature and environmental data, towing operations and much more can be displayed in real time at a control center.
Therefore, the responsible people have an up-to-date overview at any time and can intervene if necessary.

[ui!] UrbanPulse Product Suite
- our foundation is the [ui!] UrbanPulse urban data platform, and includes our expanding library of over 100 IoT device and system connectors/APIs
- the open architecture is aligned to DIN SPEC 91357 (the German standard based on our deliverable for the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities urban platform initiative)
- the platform is a highly scalable cloud solution, based on Microsoft Azure, that collects, stores and processes data in real-time, enabling a wide range of solutions to be supported
- building on the [ui!] UrbanPulse urban data platform, [ui!] COCKPIT turns smart data into new insights and information, for example data from micro-mobility, public transport services and crowd sensing informs mobility as a service (MaaS)
- by sharing the smart data, stakeholders can create value
- the data can be shared in two ways:
- share insights using our [ui!] COCKPIT dashboard via a unique URL
- share the data itself via an open API
Our solutions combine both [ui!] UrbanPulse and COCKPIT and are pre-configured for specific use cases with open APIs, data analytics and visualisation. These include:
- Micro-mobility Management: A solution enabling cities to manage micro-mobility transport modes including shared bikes, eBike, eScooters and their dock-less and back to base variants. Utilises standard and open APIs for bike sharing to integrate data from micro-mobility operators to provide a comprehensive map view and ‘at a glance’ dashboard view to manage the micro-mobility services and to monitor city policy compliance.
- Charge Point Operator Management: A solution enabling cities to manage electric vehicle charge point operators (CPO) at a city scale. Utilises standard and open APIs (OCPI) for CPOs to provide a comprehensive map view and ‘at a glance’ dashboard view to manage the EV charging services and to monitor city policy compliance.
- Mobility as a Service (MaaS) Management: A solution enabling cities to manage all mobility assets across the city. Utilises standard and open APIs (OCPI) for CPOs to provide a comprehensive map view and ‘at a glance’ dashboard view to manage the EV charging services and to monitor city policy compliance.
- we have free CONNECTORS and APIs for over 100 IoT devices and data systems
- our CONNECTOR service areas include; smart energy, environment, traffic detection and management, public transport, EV charging, smart lamppost, shared mobility, smart parking, smart waste, marine assets, smart home, Wi-Fi and RFID monitoring
- we can integrate with any data source which is made available via a secured API
We support you in your digital transformation!
We are also available for demonstrations at our branches in the U.S., Berlin, Darmstadt, Munich, Walldorf or Chemnitz.
We are also available for demonstrations at your location.
Traffic analyze
The cross-fleet use with the help of intelligent ICT-supported organisation enables the ideal utilisation of e-vehicles in public and commercial fleets.
We can ensure optimum capacity utilisation and thus lower operating costs by sharing the vehicles. Thus, e-vehicles can already be operated today at full costs comparable to those of conventional vehicles.
Development of a nationwide, intermodal travel option - to be able to travel with a ticket and a one-time payment process. The various regional and supra-regional mobility providers, such as rental bikes, rental scooters, car-sharing, local transport and even trains or planes, are taken into account.
The [ui!] ECOMAT app is a so-called "traffic light phase assistant" that supports drivers while driving through a city. For this purpose, the smartphone is mounted visibly on the dashboard or on the windshield so that it can be viewed without effort while driving. Operation while driving is not necessary and not permitted.
The user of the [ui!] ECOMAT app is provided with speed recommendations while driving. Speed recommendations are displayed to promote the most economical and relaxed driving possible in front of traffic lights (in technical terms, "traffic signals"). Depending on the vehicle's current position, speed and expected path, driving recommendations are calculated and output via the app. For this purpose, the app uses predicted green times of the signal systems. Therefore, the [ui!] ECOMAT app is linked to the [ui!] TRAFFIC data platform, which receives and evaluates data from a city's traffic management system.
In order not to distract the driver while driving, the visualization of the information and recommendations is limited to the most important limited. The driver is responsible for safe driving that is adapted to the environment. driving is the driver himself. Interaction with the cell phone is not necessary while driving and should be avoided. In return great care is taken in the design and function of the [ui!] that the information provided is correct and consistent and that it is displayed and is displayed without distractions.
Depending on the agreement with a city, the [ui!] ECOMAT service can be used for specific routes or an entire city network. Simulations carried out so far in various research projects (e.g. in UR:BAN) show that, with a sufficiently large number of liquefying effects on the traffic flow in a city can be achieved. in a city can be achieved. In conjunction with appropriate public relations public relations work - new options for action in traffic management. management to improve traffic quality and help reduce pollution. and contribute to reducing pollution.
The latest version of [ui!] ECOMAT supports Android-based smartphones. smartphones. Important requirements for suitable smartphones are (as of March 2020):
- Android operating system version 6.0 or higher
- Working memory 2GB or more
- GPS module
Based on previous experience, suitable manufacturers are e.g. Samsung, LG or HTC.

Together with international partners, innovative energy solutions are being developed which serve as a model for the European cities of tomorrow.
Sinfonia is the acronym for "Smart INitiative of cities Fully cOmmitted do iNvest In Advanced large-scaled energy solutions."
The focus is on the energetic renovation of buildings, the expansion of the district heating network, and the increased use of regional and renewable energy sources.
The project is directly aimed at the scalability and transferability of the solutions implemented in pilot districts. At the core is the demonstration of technical measures and a great proximity to applications.
With the [ui!] COCKPIT, residents have access to all the digital information available about their apartment. The graphical visualization helps you to understand what is going on in your apartment. A concrete example are parameters, such as room temperature and humidity, which provide an indication for the prevention of mould. Residents can thus react to these indicators at an early stage and not only when mould is already visible.
Questions & Answers
Open Source, Open API & Open Platform Standard.
The open standard of the Open Urban Data Platform supports numerous suppliers of sensor manufacturers of different kinds to collect their data centrally on one platform - to process them and then make them available for further use. The connectors required here can be created by customers themselves free of charge or provided for a small fee by [ui!].
These costs should not be neglected.
[ui!] Group
[ui!] stands for innovation - quality - safety - experience - trust. The term [ui!] is an abbreviation for [ui!] Urban Software Institute.
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